Biodiversity Assessment of Craigmore Plantations

The company prides itself for the commitment and responsibility with which it has over the last century ensured that the fragile environment and biodiversity in its plantations is preserved & maintained. 

In order to carry out a reliable third party assessment of the richness of its biodiversity, in November 2010 the company involved the services of Wildlife Trust of India, a reputed NGO involved in wildlife protection & conservation to undertake a project on Craigmore group, where the latest scientific tools like camera traps, visual spotting by professionals, physical evidence etc besides visits by Scientists, Botanists and various other specialists was undertaken, to take an accurate census of all the wildlife that passes through or resides in the Group's plantations.

This study, carried out over a period of fourteen months, was completely funded by the Company. Besides a detailed assessment of the wildlife, its scope included carrying out an assessment of the habitat contiguity of Craigmore Plantations with other important habitats and drawing out a “Green Plan” for the management and long-term biodiversity conservation of Craigmore Plantations. 

As part of this project a detailed inventory of the flora and fauna on Craigmore Plantations, has been enumerated by the Wildlife Trust of India. These are as below: 

  Plants Mammals Birds Reptiles Amphibians Fishes Butterflies
Species Richness 320 38 119 25 16 2 96
This study underlines the importance the company bestows upon the environment it operates in and also the central position the ecological balance and biodiversity occupies in its vast plantations; making Craigmore Plantations a one of its kind company where the entire business plan is modeled around maintaining the ecologically sensitive biodiversity hotspot the company operates in.

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